Headlight Bulb

Part Number: L0000D3S
Supersession(s): 68462446AA

Bulb. Headlight.
A light Bulb for a Headlight. LEDs Serviced with Lamp Assembly. HeadLamp Light. HID. High beam. Low beam. Xenon. Included with: HeadLamp Assembly.

Headlight Bulb

200; w/HID. 2011-14, HID. 2014-18, HID. 2014-20. 2015-23. 2018-23. 2024. 300; HID STYLE; DS3. Challenger; w/HID. Charger; Dual Element; w/HID. Charger; Low Beam; w/HID. Cherokee; HID Bulb. Compass; HID. Dart; D3S. Durango; HID Bulb. Grand Cherokee; HID Bulb. Grand Cherokee; Old Body Style; HID. H.I.D. HID. HID, W/O SRT, TRACKHAWK. HID, W/SRT, TRACKHAWK. HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE. Pacifica; Low Beam; HID. Viper. W/ADAPTIVE FRONT LIGHTING, 2017-23.

This product fits 1226 vehicle variants.
Chrysler: 4 models, 206 variants between 2011 and 2023.
Dodge: 5 models, 552 variants between 2011 and 2023.
Jeep: 4 models, 468 variants between 2014 and 2022.

Your Price

$ 285.60
All Discounts: $ 143.40 (33% off)
MSRP: $ 429.00

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Dealer Rating: 4.8/5
323 Reviews

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