Engine Crankshaft Main Bearing

Part Number: 68102975AB
Supersession(s): 68046262AC; 68102975AA

Main. Bearings. Crankshaft. Engine Bearing.
Engine Crankshaft Main Bearing. Grade A. Includes: One Standard Upper & Lower Bearing. Includes: One Standard Upper And Lower Bearing. Includes: One Upper & Lower Bearing. Includes: One Upper And Lower Bearing.

Engine Crankshaft Main Bearing

Crankshaft Main Bearing - Repair or Replace
If your 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee has developed a knocking or tapping sound coming from the engine, you could have a faulty crankshaft main bearing. Allow our certified technicians to help you determine the source of the noise and the best possible solution.

1 person has looked at this part recently
This product fits 4961 vehicle variants.
Chrysler: 2 models, 76 variants between 2005 and 2023.
Jeep: 5 models, 181 variants between 2005 and 2024.
Dodge: 7 models, 1350 variants between 2003 and 2024.
Ram: 4 models, 3354 variants between 2011 and 2024.

Your Price

$ 17.88
All Discounts: $ 8.32 (32% off)
MSRP: $ 26.20

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Dealer Rating: 4.8/5
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