5.7 LITER. Alternator nut. A Nut which attaches the drive belt idler pulley to it's mounting surface. A Nut which secures the solenoid to the starter or another component to the solenoid. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Battery Cable. A solid metal or plastic block with a threaded hole in the center which is used to tighten or adjust the Battery Temperature Sensor. Alternator Adjusting Bracket Nut. Alternator Nut. Hood Latch Striker Plate Nut. Power Brake Booster Nut. Starter Nut. Accessory Drive Belt Idler Pulley. Alternator Adjusting Bracket. Battery Temperature Sensor. Hex Flange LOCK. Hood Latch Striker Plate. Negative Cable. Power Brake Booster. Shield. Starter Solenoid. Included with: Mount Bracket.